Sustainability as a topic is increasingly occupying many industries, customers, and private individuals. The closeness to nature and oceans is essential for the need and experience of water sports enthusiasts. Protecting them through our actions is equally essential. Dimension-Polyant’s sustainability strategy is focused on the continuous improvements of our production processes and has introduced its own seal for sustainably produced products.

At boot Düsseldorf, CEO Uwe Stein participated in an interesting panel discussion at the blue innovation dock. Regarding sustainable materials in boatbuilding, he talked about challenges and requirements in the market. ‘We have to make a promise to our customers that must be kept: the products must be produced according to sustainable principles and at the same time offer the same performance as conventional products,’ he said. Introducing new materials is only useful and successful if the performance and durability of the sail are not compromised.

The use of bio-based Dyneema®, recycled and easily recyclable materials as well as fossil-free raw materials is a step that Dimension-Polyant has successfully accomplished. Products manufactured from these materials and under sustainable conditions are labeled with our cleenTEC® seal. You can find out more about it in the podcast:

Listen to boot ahoy! Podcast on Spotify