
Our current trainee Ms. Heynen was trained as a machine and plant operator textile/finishing and in phase 2 of her training as a product finisher textile. We congratulate her very warmly on her very good final grade!

Of course, we would like to maintain this level and so we are also working hard for all future trainees!

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Mini Transat 2021

The Mini Transat is running and the participants have already weathered the first storms. Shortly before the start in Les Sables d’Olonne, Marta Guemes, technical Sales Rep from Dimension-Polyant France, handed over our Sail Repair Kit to Linaa Rixgens. We hope that Lina and all the other participants will make it across the Atlantic without any major repairs, but in a race like this it's just good to have a little backup.

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Mit Dimension-Polyant auf Tuchfühlung

Die Saison neigt sich dem Ende, mit der Kieler Woche vom 4. bis 12. September steht jedoch noch ein echtes Highlight vor der Türe. Zu diesem Anlass und damit Sie gut beraten in die neue Saison starten, möchten wir Ihnen eine Online Tuch-Information anbieten.

Stellen Sie Ihre Fragen an uns, unser kompetentes Team sowie Stephan Kasdorf wird Ihnen diese unter Telefon +49 2152 891122 beantworten.

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Olympic Games in Tokyo

We warmly congratulate all medal winners of the Olympic sailing competitions. In the bay of Enoshima, our sailcloth was used to fight for bronze, silver and gold. We are pleased that we have been able to contribute to fair competition in the Olympic one design classes with our consistent high cloth quality. We would also like to thank all the Olympic sailors for the thrilling races and fair competitions.

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A bit on Charleston Race Week below

Sperry Charleston Race Week, originally established in 1996 has become the largest keelboat regatta in North America.
22.04. – 01.05.2022

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Kieler Woche 2021, Deutschland

Kieler Woche 2021 - 04.09. – 12.09.2021

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ISPO Award 2021

ISPO Award Winner 2021

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